IoT-enabled Smart Irrigation remote Monitoring and Data Collection System for Various Stand-alone Solar water pumping systems in Nigeria
Temperature, Humidity and Soil moisture data from a smart irrigation system controlled by an Arduino MKR 1010
Small Automated Greenhouse Prototype, composed by: internal and external temperature and humidity (2xDHT11), Soil temperature (DS18B20), Soil humidity (bad quality prototype), Fan, exhaust fan, irrigation system and lamps;
Displays the current (instantaneous) flow rate of my irrigation system
This channel logs data from an automatic garden irrigation system including temperature, humidity, soil moisture and plant height.
Project involves the development of an automatic reservoir gate control system using NodeMCU (ESP8266 & ESP32) and a SIM900A Mini GSM module. This system aims to optimize irrigation practices by considering various environmental factors such as temperatur
Submersible Pump On/Off Moisture content Sunlight Radiation