San Diego, Cerro Largo, Uruguay Estación Meteorológica Solar (Temp, Hum, Presion, Lluvia, Viento). ESP8266, UNO R3, BME 680 Update Interval - 15 seg
Estación Meteorológica para el Club de Aeromodelismo en Puerto Madryn - Chubut - Patagonia - Argentina. Agrupación de Aeromodelistas de Puerto Madryn - AAPM
Institut la pineda de Badalona. Mesurador automàtic de CO2 a les aules de telecomunicacions.
Fine-dust monitoring station near Jeongwang 3-dong, Gyeonggi, South Korea. Channel updates once every minute with PM2.5 and PM10.0 readings from the Nova SDS011 Sensor. Also, provide real-time location tracking capabilities with the GY-NEO6MV2 GPS Module.
Zobrazování teplot topného systému,TUV,venkovní teplota a vlhkost.
Channel is used to monitor wind and solar power, and is also capable of using wind speed to calculate wind power and voltage to calculate the power output of both the wind and solar sources.
This channel is used to monitor the wind speed and carry out analysis on the effect of all these parameters on wind turbine power generation
Location: Germany (BW); Measurement of air quality with SDS011 sensor and raspberry pi.
this is a weather monitoring system placed in a contol system lab