Sistem Pemantau Greenhouse Hidroponik. Suhu Udara, Suhu Air, Kelembaban Udara, Tinggi bak Air, TDS Air, pH Air dan ESP8266 Berbasis IoT.
This data set represents the variables of a hydroponic system that are being measured and controlled automatically using an Arduino program created by students at San Antonio College.
Receiving live data (pH, EC, Air Temp&Humidity, Water Temp) from an hydroponic test system (5l reservoir with 11 plants, mostly leafy greens). The Idea is to analyze the data collected and to calculate the systems behavior for the days to come, in order t
This is an automatic seedling starter. I'm tracking the temperature, humidity, water level, and pump status of my system.
Monitor PH and nutrient level using application by using thing sprak as a cloud database