Eine CO2-Ampel für Schule, Büro, Arbeitsplatz, Kindergarten usw. Raumluftüberwachung (IAR: Indoor air quality). Selbstbau/DIY
This is my homemade digital anemometer. It is made of cups rotating with a magnet triggering a reed switch. The wires are connected to an Arduino Uno that calculates the time between consecutive pulses (after reed switch debouncing by my arduino software)
DIY MCU Coffee Plant Channel - **ESP8266, DHT22, VH400, TSL2561, BMP180**, MQTT (Server: test.mosquitto.org, Wildcard subscription: sensors/OP-477895/#), Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrCoffeePlant
La station météo ludo-pédagogique pour apprendre la programmation et l'internet des objets. Code disponible sur GitHub : https://github.com/antonydbzh/Station-anna-MANI
A mini weather station for 13.0612° N, 80.1639° E which will periodically publish the temperature, pressure and light intensity
Rolling 8.5 minute average/minimum/maximum of wind speed measured in miles per hour using homemade wired anemometer. Homemade Wireless temperature transmitter using MCP9700A.
Canal que recebe dados da temperatura e umidade ambiente de um sensor DHT11 conectado a uma placa ESP32.