detect temprature and humidity by dht11,ethanol gas by mq3 sensor
Scheme to use drier Outside air to minimize basement dehumidifier run time
measurement of tempreture,humidity and ethanol gas using dh11 and mq3 sensor
A weather station made from an Arduino / ESP8266 and a bunch of sensors. Based in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. [STILL UNDER TESTING AND MAY GO OFFLINE]
Gives temperature, humidity, pH value, water level, water temperature, soil moisture level data
Arduino Mega 2560 with ethernet shield, 16x2 I2C LCD, RTC DS3231, SD card datalogger, two DHT22 sensors and two DS18B20 sensors
1. Weather station (Temperature, Humidity in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.) 2. Smart Plant watering 3. Powered by a solar panel. Using ESP8266 & DHT11 sensor