Uber Solar Water Heater, Complete High Pressure System 18 EVT 100 Litres Close Coupled Thermosiphon. Collector is facing South West at 7 deg slope to horz, with a slight tilt towards North West to aid the thermosiphon.
Melexis MLX90614 IR temp sensor, PIR Movment Sensor, BMP280, HTU21D, humidity
Measurement of the outside temperature at my house in Victoria Park Western Australia
ARD-Tech LMS Demo, IoT, ESP8266, MCP9808, I2C, Analogue, Digital, WiFi, WEB
Este sistema se puede utilizar en el cuidado en un invernadero, ya que cuenta con diversos sensores(HC-SR04, LDR, Buzzer, DHT22) y además tiene varios LEDs que puede servir de ayuda para comprender sus funciones.
Weather Station positioned top of cellar near the roof. Temps and Pressures from BMP180, Humidity from DHT22, lux estimated form LDR all monitored by a ESP8266.