ESP8266 201 based Cat fountain with DHT22, DS18B20, LDR, PIR, water level sensors and automatic pump. Posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Small Automated Greenhouse Prototype, composed by: internal and external temperature and humidity (2xDHT11), Soil temperature (DS18B20), Soil humidity (bad quality prototype), Fan, exhaust fan, irrigation system and lamps;
Strona wyświetlająca aktualną temperaturę w Chełmży oraz statystyki tej strony
Environmental sensor data using 3 sensors - DHT22, BMP180 and DS18B20 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3
>CZ< Pokusný kanál Lipiny. Data ze čtyř čidel DS18B20. Jeden kanál, čtyři pole. >EN< The test channel from Lipiny, Czech Republic. Data from four sensors DS18B20. One channel, four fields.
IoE, IoT, WebCom server reporting temperature with Arduino Mega2560, nRF905, vwRF433 and DHT22
Temperature data from a DS18B20 sensor connected to an ESP32. This channel monitors fridge temperatures in real time and logs them for historical analysis.