Zestaw 3 x Hewalex KS2100 TLP ACR, sterownik G422-P08 i podgrzewacz ciepłej wody użytkowej 300l
Temp & humidity measured by an ESP8266 on a NodeMcu Lua board using a DHT22 sensor.
ARD-Tech LMS Demo, IoT, ESP8266, MCP9808, I2C, Analogue, Digital, WiFi, WEB
ESP8266 with sensors: BMP180 Barometric Pressure // Si7021 Temperature and Humidity // VEML6070 UV Sensor // TSL46315 Visible Light Sensor // TSL2591 Light Sensor
Nodemcu with DHT11, and grabs time from NTP to trigger the updates
Fuel oil level (gallons) for boiler using esp8266 and cheap ultrasonic distance sensor. Woodstove temperatures using TCs and ESP8266.