It collect's the data of a density based traffic light controller.
#Randon numbers generated by TinyOS, sending by Node-Red via MQTT to Thingspeak #Node red and ThingSpeak project #IoT course #A.Y 2019-2020 #Plitecnico di Milano #Hiva Amiri #Erfan Abbasi zadeh #Mohammad Javad Ebrahimpour
Leitura do valor do sensor lido pelo Python (oriundo do Arduino).
Temperatura leĆda con DS18B20 conectado a Nodemcu lolin con tasmota enviada con nodered y Home Assistant
esp8266 collect outdoor temperature from Dallas ds18b20 and indoor temperature acompany with atmospher pressure from BMP180 sensor. OpenWRT + Mosquitto + Node-Red used for aquisition and publish the data.
Logging my solar house with IoT, ESP8266's and lots of sensors. We are off-grid and use solar panels to charge batteries. When we have sufficient sun and the batteries are charged we switch on the pool filter, hot tub, air con and water heaters etc using
GATE WAY-MQTT PROTOCOL: uploading DHT11 sensor data, Humidity and Temperature into thingspeak cloud using MQTT protocol suported by TCP/IP protocol for communication
SHT30 sensor connected to Wemos D1 mini platform, 800 mAh battery, MQTT