Environmental sensor data using 3 sensors - DHT22, BMP180 and DS18B20 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3
This channel displays our lab temperature and humidity from 5 different sensors
This mechanism shows low cost lora GW implementation and pushing data using GSM
Publish potentiometer value from A9 Analog pin on evive to ThingsSpeak
NodeMCU based Project takes input from a LDR and Logs light intensity into the thinkspeak server.
This channel receive temprature and humdity inside my home.
IoE, IoT, WebCom server reporting temperature with Arduino Mega2560, nRF905, vwRF433 and DHT22
Collecting data from DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor and LDR luminosity sensor using Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout (NodeMCU 0.9.6)