Small Automated Greenhouse Prototype, composed by: internal and external temperature and humidity (2xDHT11), Soil temperature (DS18B20), Soil humidity (bad quality prototype), Fan, exhaust fan, irrigation system and lamps;
Using the ESP8266 WiFi module for data interchange about plant's humidity.
Nyomás, hőmérséklet mérés bmp280-as modullal. Napelemről működő atmega328P készülék, mely az akkumulátor feszültségét is méri.
Đồ án TĐHQTSX - Giám sát nhiệt độ và độ ẩm của phòng thực hiện bởi Vũ Văn Phát sinh viên khóa K58, Học viện Nông Nghiệp Việt Nam.
Publish potentiometer value from A9 Analog pin on evive to ThingsSpeak
Testing of maximum sampling rate of ESP8266 A0 input that does not cause Wi-Fi disaconnects
Testing of maximum sampling rate of ESP8266 A0 input that does not cause