Station météo autonome avec relevés de température et de pression. Elle est composée d'un Arduino Uno, ESP8266 et BMP280.
ESP8266 (Controller/WiFi) and Bosch BME280 (barometer) powered by cannibalised garden LED solar lamps. Cycle: 300 sec. deep sleep, 5 sec. broadcast.
An agricultural application that uses IOT to store and analyze the sensor information
A sensor based automated irrigation system using Internet of Things (IOT)
This trolley with the RFID sensor will help to make payment easy without wasting any of your precious time in standing in lines and etc...
Monitorització en temps real de la temperatura i la humitat relativa. L'adquisició i enviament de dades al servidor ThingSpeak es fa a través d'un dispositiu que consta principalment d'un ESP-01 i un sensor DHT11.