Temperature/humidity sensors. ESP8266 + AM2320 with a LiPo charger (under/over voltage protection) and 3.7V 780mAh LiPo battery.
Arduino based geiger counter w/ SBM-19 geiger tube, UV sensor and BME280 Temp/Humidity/Pressure.
Denne kanalen rapporterer fortløpende logget temperaturdata og data for relativ luftfuktighet målt ved fast punkt i Kjølstadveien 30, 1914 Ytre Enebakk
This work shows the implementation of a temperature control and measurement system for domestic environments, being controlled remotely through a server.
ESP-01/BME280 powered by 2x 1.5V AA-Cells + 470uF Capacitor; 300s-SensorReadOut Interval with DynamicAverage calculation; 900-3600s dynamic ChannelUpdater Interval (Runtime optimization in relation to the remaining power)
WeMos D1 Mini Pro based on project: https://www.opengreenenergy.com/post/solar-powered-wifi-weather-station-v2-0 and https://github.com/3KUdelta/Solar_WiFi_Weather_Station