To monitor and display recorded vehicle information, engine temperature, RPM, Speed, Laptime/count and battery charge
ADS1115+ESP-01 (1M) OTA updated based on sketch adapted to my 30A CT and 6V transformer. ESP is powered from a separate 3.3V source.
My own device based on ESP8266. Sensor for temp, humm and pressure is BME280. Second sensor is MH-Z19 for CO2 concentration. Device located at office or home, Moscow, Russia.
Stacja pogodowa - Międzyrzec Podlaski. Pomiar temperatury, wilgotności i ciśnienia.
Monitoramento de temperatura interna utilizando esp8266nodemcu e DHT12
Test feed running on a Wemos D1 mini (esp8266 variant) with a DHT22 for room temp/humidity data and a DS18b20 for the tank temperature. PWM control of tank lighting is handled locally. Light levels may follow at some point.
A weather station made from an Arduino / ESP8266 and a bunch of sensors. Based in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. [STILL UNDER TESTING AND MAY GO OFFLINE]
Power meter in private house with photovoltaic plant, 3,75kW. Measurement and communication implemented by Arduino UNO and ESP-07 wifi module.
NodeMcu based weather station,by using BMP180 , DHT11 ,ESP8266 to implement the sensing and data uploading. This weather station was located in Hong Kong.