Hive temperature and humidity and outside temperature and humidity.
A simple weather station. Created with NodeMCU ESP-12E, BMP280 and DHT11. Coded with Arduino IDE to send to Thingspeak and Blynk simultaneously.
This project was set up to track the indoor temperature(SI unit) and humidity to analyze the variation throughout the day. The system consists of esp32 WiFi-MCU and a DHT11 sensor.
testing temperature logging … DS18B20 Proj-2 thingspeak
Raspberry BCM2711-CPU's temperature monitor. Data reading from the /sys/class/thermal_zone file. The RasPi pin GPIO4 connected an Dallas DS18b20 sensor. Field-2 present the room temperature. Channel update every two minutes.
temperature, humidity, pressure, motion sensor, illumination using Sigfox
Temperature and humidity sensor using the ESP8266 and DHT11 module