Pomiar ilości węgla w podajniku pieca przy pomocy HC-SR04 i ESP8266
bme280 -> PIC18F26K22 -> ESP8266 DCDC: Akizuki AE-XCL101C331BR-G 3.3V + 1000uF
Uber Solar Water Heater, Complete High Pressure System 18 EVT 100 Litres Close Coupled Thermosiphon. Collector is facing South West at 7 deg slope to horz, with a slight tilt towards North West to aid the thermosiphon.
Monitorando de uma horta plantada em estufa. Temperatura do ar,umidade do ar e indica se o solo está seco ou úmido. através do Node MCU
Arduino Mega2560, LM35 ve DHT11 ile Sicaklik ve Nem degerlerini okuma ve ESP8266 ile ThingSpeak'te grafik olarak gosterme calismasi.
Uses a DS18B20 sensor with an ESP8266 board with a 16x2 LCD display