simple ESP8266 device that collects temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and light.
Proyecto de estación meteorológica con ESP8266 Sensores: DHT22, LDR
Clock with CO2 and temperature sensor MH-Z19B and air quality sensor BME680
Данные с датчика BME-280 установленного в центре города Электросталь на высоте 4 этажа
Project CENSys prototype 01 sensor device v0.02 number 01. ThingSpeak will record temp, relative humidity and soil moisture.
Project CENSys prototype 01 sensor device v0.01 number 01. ThingSpeak will record temp, relative humidity and soil moisture.
NodeMCU ESP8266-12E with DHT22. Lat. and Long. taken from Wikipedia (Bundeshaus).
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