The logger installed as an activity for the needs of the MNAE & ERASMUS + program: "Cloud Computing in Europeans Schools".
Novo programa com servidor web de controle de temperatura.
Using ESP8266 + arduino mega to track temperature and humidity, as a local web server, and also transmit data to thingspeak.
Monitoring of may 1,26 kWp installation. 4x315 W Csun PERC 2x Envertech 560 SDM 120 with RS485 to TTL connect to ESP8266 with ESPEasy software
Weather data collected by various 433MHz sensors in my house. Signals received via RFM12 and Arduino mini pro, data collection and transmission to WWW by Rasberry Pi.
A Bosch BME280 sensor with an ESP8266-07 module collecting temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure data. Added an LDR for light sensing in v5.0