Leer y registar datos de temperatura y humedad mediante empleo de tarjeta NodeMCU ESP8266
Proyecto Final del modulo Construccion, Simulacion y Montaje de Dispositivos de Hardware Computacional, Estacion meteorologica MARINEFORD JSBB.
IOT based Project Submitted by Students of Chitkara University, Baddi.
Solar Heaters (3 different boxes that were a science project) are connected in series and are being used as a supplemental heat source for my bedroom. I am using 4 DS18B20 sensors, 1 DHT11, a servo, and 3 fans. These are all being controlled by NodeMCU.
ESP8266, DHT11, LM35, BMP180 sensorleri ve QS-FS01 anemometresi ile kurulan Meteoroloji Istasyonu verilerini gosteren calisma.