Датчики: BME280 (температура, влажность, давление), BH1750 (освещенность) и CCS811 (концентрация eCO). Станция установлена на северной стороне здания, на уровне 2х метров от поверхности.
This channel tracks snow depth. The device uses a Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor interfaced to a ESP8266 Wifi module. The code is written on the Arduino platform to support over-the-air program updates and uplinking to Thingspeak. Designed by Jeff E.
Meteo della città di Mondragone. Piccola stazione meteo amatoriale che rileva temperatura, umidità, pressione atmosferica e intensità della luce
A weather station based on NodeMCU ESP8266 with a 2'4-inch screen TFT SPI 240*320 ILI9341. The weather station receives weather data from the OpenWeatherMap service and displays them on the screen. Connected BME280 sensor.
Weather station from Porto, Portugal with arduino Mega, NRF24L01,ESP8266