ESP8266-12E with DHT22 temperature and humidity, BMP085 barometric pressure and temperature, BH1750FVI light intensity and BPW34 solar irradiance logger in Romania, Odorheiu-Secuiesc 535600, Tineretului 5/15
A WSN Prototype Evaluation in Gowa Regency, Air Temperature, Air Humidity, Soil Moisture, Arduino Uno, Xbee, SIM800, Thingspeak
This project enables us to monitor the heart beat remotely over internet. Many suggestion can be made to improve their health condition based on their heart beat count.
A WSN Prototype Evaluation in Gowa Regency, Air Temperature, Air Humidity, Soil Moisture, Arduino Uno, Xbee, SIM800, Thingspeak
PulseSensor connected to Arduino Nano along with algorithm code to read pulses from sensor then formulate BPM and send BPM values to NodeMCU ever Minute. and the nodeMCU with Lua firmware waits for BMP data, once received it updates BPM values to ThingSp