Raspberry BCM2711-CPU's temperature monitor. Data reading from the /sys/class/thermal_zone file. The RasPi pin GPIO4 connected an Dallas DS18b20 sensor. Field-2 present the room temperature. Channel update every two minutes.
Wat in het vat zit ..... De temperatuur in mijn watervat door een Raspberry Pi gemeten met digitale DS18B20 sensoren op twee verschillende hoogtes.
Aquest canal és pel control d'humitat i temperatura d'un eixam d'abelles mitjançant el sensor DHT11 .
Private weather station at Rolan Mountain, Lennestadt. Elevation: 299m above sea level. Measurements: Temperature, humidity, soon: barometric pressure. Measuring interval: 15 seconds.
Smart Energy Meter from Orno measured with a raspberry pi via modbus
Este canal mostra as informações da residencia do aluno Sandro
DataLogger based on Arduino with 434MHz radio and BME280 sensor supplied by 3.6V battery for the transmitter and Arduino and Raspberry with Python program for receiver.
Raspberry + Thunderboard sense with temperature, humidity, VOC and eCO2