Weather Report JSJ temperature, humidity, light and atmosphere data from ESP8266-12E(WeatherStation)
Pump Controller Based on Arduino and esp-link. The controller can monitor discharge head and motor current so to protect the pump from dry running. The controller send mqtt data via esp-link (act as serial wifi bridge) to an mqtt broker running. For mo
GAHE GHDS100E Energy Meter is equipped with RS485 Communication. Readings are retrieved by ESP8266 (Wemos Mini) running Modbus RTU library, then send the data directly to Thingspeak every 15 seconds.
IOT aplikacija za merjenje temperature v sobi in zunaj na lokaciji dijaškega doma Vič - Ljubljana, Slovenija Uporabljena senzorja sta DS18B20, priklopljena na mikrokrmilnik esp8266 - nodemcu 1.0
Environmental data from BME680 with BSEC library via ESP8266
ESP8266 & BMP280, DHT11, light senzor i battery voltage using deep sleep (10 min update ) powered with one 18650 battery and 5W 5V solar panel
Analisis de Calidad del Aire Estacion de monitorero de PM2.5 & PM10 + Temperatura + Humedad + Presion ESP8266 & HPMA115S0 & BME280 f = 30 s Loma de Las Brujas - Envigado - Colombia
Data retrieved from various NodeMCU's equipped with a DHT11, photo sensors and a moisture sensor stucked in a pot.