Es un calentador solar de agua echo específicamente con materiales reciclables, en los cuales se utiliza botellas PET de 1.3 y 3 litros, ademas de latas de aluminio de gaseosa o cerveza. He usado un ESP32 con sensores ds18x20, programado en microPython.
Depth of water in tank. Distance from sensor to bottom is 58" so the measure shown is 58" minus distance from sensor to water.
Этот проект, расположенный в Лиме, Перу, был создан для контроля следующих параметров качества реки Санта-Эулалия: рН, растворенный кислород, температура и электропроводность воды.
This is the channel for collection the water level and status of the measuring device
Solar hot water panels. Controlled with ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini. Pump turns on to pump water when it's hotter outside.
importing water data and temperature from different csv files using python
this channel is to get the data of water usage and temperature using http push then get the read file in csv form