This channel displays data collected by a smart plant watering system built using Arduino and a soil moisture sensor. The data includes the raw ADC value from the sensor (higher values indicate drier soil) and the calculated percentage of soil moisture c
This channel displays data collected by a smart geofence device built using Arduino and a GPS module. The data includes the device's current latitude, longitude, and the calculated distance from a predefined geofence boundary. This information allows for
Reads air quality from the device and displays the data
En este canal vamos a visualizar varios datos obtenidos de varios sensores en una Oled. Los datos que se obtendran seran la temperatura y humedad obtenidos con un DHT, la iluminacion con una fotoresistencia, se hace un conteo de personas usando el sensor
Se visualizará los datos en medición de bits en un potenciómetro conectado en un esp32 en modo voltage
Canal para a atividade somativa 02 do curso ADS, para o ESP32
Curso de Engenharia e Administração de Sistemas de Banco de Dados - IoT_BD - Projeto 03
It's a voice-activated light-sensitive light.Contains a light and sound sensor and an LED actuator.
Receber dados de temperatura (°C)e umidade relativa do ar (%) originados do ESPWROOM-32
Autonomous Water Level Monitoring with Early Warning System
Canal para desenvolvimento da disciplina de Fundamentos de Internet das Coisas
This channel is used to monitor the value of the ACK counter.
Channel test to work on the challenge 3 of the IoT class in Polimi