Measured on the shaded north side of a building in Andover, Massachusetts, USA. Both F and C values are provided.
Receiving live data (pH, EC, Air Temp&Humidity, Water Temp) from an hydroponic test system (5l reservoir with 11 plants, mostly leafy greens). The Idea is to analyze the data collected and to calculate the systems behavior for the days to come, in order t
ATtiny85/DHT22 RF transmitter using watchdog sleep (~4.8 µA powered down). Battery voltage measurement uses readVcc(). "UNO" as RF receiver using ENC28J60 ethernet.
temp, humidity, dew point, pressure. I'm using BME280 sensor connected to an ESP8266-12E.
Temperature, Humidity and Soil moisture data from a smart irrigation system controlled by an Arduino MKR 1010
Ch1: Collect temperature and humidity data from AdaFruit Feather Esp8266 module Calculate Dew point in module.