EternityII serach solution a la brute force with random first step - python algorithm on RPi3
Es una prueba pilo de lo que será el uso de esta herramienta
Raspberry BCM2711-CPU's temperature monitor. Data reading from the /sys/class/thermal_zone file. The RasPi pin GPIO4 connected an Dallas DS18b20 sensor. Field-2 present the room temperature. Channel update every two minutes.
Proyecto fin de carrera: Desarrollo e implementación de una red de sensores basada en ZigBee.
ATSAMD51 microcontroller, soil moisture sensors, SIM7000 cellular modem, programming in CircuitPython
Private weather station at Rolan Mountain, Lennestadt. Elevation: 299m above sea level. Measurements: Temperature, humidity, soon: barometric pressure. Measuring interval: 15 seconds.
The data from raspberry pi connected to Arduino with MQ sensors to measure air quality in my area.
Mech Farm Field 3: Soil moisture monitoring station: Watermark sensors at 4 depths, SAM21D microcontroller, LTE CAT-M1 cellular data transmission.
This channel is part of my final project for my introductory ECE class in college. The purpose is to gather some environmental data from my house and send them to my channel. To do that, I used the Adafruit Feather M0 Express, sensors, and some code