This weather station, build by Didáxis students, allows you to measure the temperature, percentage of humidity, pressure, percentage of carbon dioxide, TVOC, oxygen concentration and light level.
Lichtsensor der Wetterstation Haan, Germany Sensor: BH1750, VEML6070 ESP32
Channel has weather data from mkr1200 arduino board. Data is converted to approriate format from the hex format that is used in sigfox network.
Arduino based geiger counter w/ SBM-19 geiger tube, UV sensor and BME280 Temp/Humidity/Pressure.
Solar Weather Station Based on Austin, Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
A portable sensor station located in different parts of the garden, so we can measure conditions before planting
Desenvolvedor:, Horário oficial de Brasilia, Estação Operando Em Caráter Experimental
Mini Weather Station -Embedded System design project: ESP8266 esp01s, DHT11, BMP280
Swinburne IoT class project to deploy a IoT device, collect data, display data locally, upload to ThingSpeak, graph data to the web.
Meteo station based on MKRFOX1200 for UV, pressure and temperature
ESP8266 with sensors: BMP180 Barometric Pressure // Si7021 Temperature and Humidity // VEML6070 UV Sensor // TSL46315 Visible Light Sensor // TSL2591 Light Sensor
reading sensors and using iot platform to display data on internet
Arduino based weather station in Trieste (Italy). Esp8266 is used for wifi connection. On a balcony, direction ~NNE (sun is seen until ~10AM)