Monitor air quality parameters such as CO2 levels, gas levels, and any other relevant parameters.
Monitor temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and light intensity inside the greenhouse.
Universidad de Colima - FIME - ICI - Ingeniería en Computación Inteligente - Antonio Fernández Cruz - 6to B - 2024 - DashBoard | GreenHouse. DashBoard GreenHouse - Sensors Monitoring: Manage all the inside conditions over an a GreenHouse sensors and
Home weather station. It uses ESP8266, BMP180, BH1750FVI, and DHT11 modules.
Monitoring internal and external greenhouse environment on ESP32 with AHT20 and BMP280. ESP32 is running Annex RDS.
Logging greenhouse humidity and temperature with a NodeMCU / DHT22 sensor
This will measure and display the parameters for the soil-based environment.