A weather station build around ESP32 with BME280, MQ135, and BH1750
self built weather station based on electric imp and sensors bmp280 (temperature, pressure, humidity) and bh1750 (luminosity). Measuring outside and inside. Placed at Campinas, Brazil.
The temperature and humidity readings of the DHT22 sensor and the light intensity readings of the BH1750FVI sensor are connected to the Arduino UnoWiFi Rev2 module.
A portable sensor station located in different parts of the garden, so we can measure conditions before planting
Odczyty z amatorskiej stacji pogodowej zlokalizowanej w Bydgoszczy przy ul. Bielickiej 12. Stacja zamontowana na balkonie od strony południowej czujniki w wentylowanej osłonie antyradiacyjnej. Zastosowane czujniki: SHT21, BMP280, BH1750, ML8511, PMS3003.