In this project, temperature and pressure measurements are performed using ESP32, LoRa E22, and SHT30.
A weather station build around ESP32 with BME280, MQ135, and BH1750
LoRa exercise. Old-school TSL230R light->frequency sensor / Whispernode LoRa node / Heltec ESP32 LoRa base. Using the LowPower library and powering down the TSL320 between readings. Two AAA batteries [lasts ~1 yr]. Reports outdoor light levels every 30 mi
AZ-Delivery ESP32 Dev Kit C V2 with SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280 (Qwiic)
Messung der Temperatur und der Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bienenvolk und außerhalb mithlife des DHT11-Sensors und ESP32.
Water usage monitor with ESP8266 reading water softener (HallEffect turbine (hacked from softener)
Soil Moisture. sensor 1 - herb garden. Range: 0 ( partched ) to 120 ( soaked ). LoRa wireless data link.
Automatic garden monitoring and watering. Based on NodeMCU ESP32S
ESP32 based weather station with temperature, humidity, pressure, light level, wind speed and wind direction display.