ESP8266 para registro de TEMPERATURA e UMIDADE na cidade de Bragança Paulista-SP (em uma varanda, sob a sombra de uma jabuticabeira)
Currently, this LoLIn Nodemcu is used to measure the capacity from recycled 18650 notebook batteries. Values maybe empty before new battery start.
Dunavecse - időjárás állomás Hőmérséklet, páratartalom, légnyomás. NODEMCU ESP8266, DHT11, BMP180
Displays the current of three Mains Phases in Amps (plus an additional Test-Phase). Implementation: 3 (4) split core transformers are connected to the mains distribution box. Each transformer connected to a ADC (in differential mode). Data is collect
This system use Arduino mega , nodemcu(esp8266) ,3.5 tft lcd,ph sensor, tds sensor , temperature sensor and Turbidity sensor
Smart Garden Monitoring System: This ThingSpeak channel collects and monitors real-time data from our smart garden. The sensors used include a soil moisture sensor, light intensity sensor, and a humidity/temperature sensor. The channel stores and visualiz
LemonOSI is an intelligent system for analyzing and monitoring data on the consumption of household services (such as water, pressure, electricity).
Logging greenhouse humidity and temperature with a NodeMCU / DHT22 sensor