Arduino Uno WiFi REV2 temperature of pool and solar panel control + weather in Osek u Duchcova, Czech Republic, MAX 6675 thermocouple and BME280
Capture my Swimming pool data using an ESP8266. Duplicated on a local web interface. Also posted to MySQL via PHP Post.
Cell current for salt water chlorine generator, flow and salt concentration status. Data collected with a Wemos D1 Mini and current transformer. In the status charts, 0 = OK and 1 = Fault
3 Keller Räume und Außensensor mit DHT22. Pool DS18B20. Vortice Fensterlüfter 2x 150/6 Abluft, 1x 230/9 Zuluft. Hysterese, Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit je Raum einstellbar. Unter 15° Intervalllüftung. Anzeige über Virtuino App.
Air- & Watertemperature of a swimmingpool in Rabenstein, near Chemnitz. Airmessurement 5cm above, watertemperature -40cm under waterlevel.