esp32, dht22, ldr, rgbled, potentiométre, temp, hum, luminosité, graph_led
Proyecto de fin de materia IoT desarrollado por los Ings. Andrade, Ovaco y Timbiano
windspeed,temperature.hum dan gas sensor ammonialevel dalam kandang.
This device is used to get the wifi connection status of the Internet service at Gwakwani
氣候變遷 pressure 氣壓 百帕 temp 氣溫 °C hum 濕度 %RH lux 亮度 lx uv 紫外線指數 J/m2 gas 空氣品質 無 Acceleration 加速度 1/16384 g Gyroscope 角速度 1/131 °/sec Magnetic 磁力 nT
Environment Temp/RH (DHT22), CPU Temp (internal) located @Geiger Radiation Data: See "More Information"
Incubator readings like temperature,humidity,and pulse value