Solar hot water system, esp8266 as thingspeak logger from serial CSV data
Vekkuliverstaan pannuhuoneen ja saunan lämpötilojen tarkkailua. Anturit DS18B20, 5kpl. Hakkeen määrä ruuvin kierroslaskurilta.
Monitoratge del consum de gasoil amb sensor d'ultrasons i sensor de temperatura
This is a way that I can keep track of my boiler's operation. This unit is a Hardy H2 outdoor wood boiler. The first season I will be burning up all the junk wood that was left behind when the property was purchased. I have triggers set up to alert me
Automation of a large heating system to top up the pressure. This was chosen over a filling valve which would fill in the event of a major leak. Fill times can be monitored to detect issues.
Wat in het vat zit ..... De temperatuur in mijn watervat door een Raspberry Pi gemeten met digitale DS18B20 sensoren op twee verschillende hoogtes.
The Raspberry checks the temperatures and controls the water tank. If the water is too colt for the bathroom, heat it up. The raspberry has solid state relays to switch the heating elements and the pump.
Zestaw 3 x Hewalex KS2100 TLP ACR, sterownik G422-P08 i podgrzewacz ciepłej wody użytkowej 300l