Temperature in Leonberg. It is an PIC32MX measuring temperature and pressure with a BMP085. Data logging is done with an ESP8266 interfacing it over the usart interface with AT commands.
Local weather in San Paolo Bel Sito (NA), Italy. IoT with DHT22, BMP085, and ESP8266-01.
DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland. Current sensors: - humidity & temperature sensor: DHT22, - light intensity sensor: BH1750, - barometric pressure sensor: BMP085. Other equipment: - wireless network: ESP8266, - RTC: DS3231.
Barometric pressure, humidity and temperature in Dain City (Welland), Ontario, Canada
Living room temperature,humidity and atmospheric pressure in Taipei,Taiwan.
Bedroom temperature,humidity and atmospheric pressure in Taipei,Taiwan.
Rede de Estações Meteorológicas Automáticas Didáticas Experimentais
Prueba de Estación Meteorológica experimental realizada con Arduino, DHT22, BMP085 y ESP8266.