Centro de Meteorologia CSB [:] Arduino NANO [:] Raspberry Pi 3B+
Stacja pogodowa zbudowana w oparciu o moduł WEMOS D1 Mini Pro, czujnik temperatury, wilgotności i ciśnienia BME280 oraz czujnik natężenia oświetlenia BH1750. Stacja zasilana jest panelem solarnym i akumulatorem Li-Ion 18650 3400mAh.
ESP82266 as a base. Firmware WiFi-IoT. DS18B20 in a sealed enclosure, reference air temperature. SHT31 for temperature and humidity. BMP280 for atmospheric pressure. BH1750 for light level.
Uses D1 Mini with configuration stored in RTC memory. Data updates every 10 minutes here and on https://aprs.fi/W4KRL-13. The device is housed in an AcuRite Instrument Shield. Near-term (12-hour) forecast uses the Zambretti algorithm: w4krl.com/zambretti
Az Időkép automatám napelemes töltőjének állapota, valamint helyi fényerősség és hőmérséklet, páratartalom mérés.
682 m s. n. m. Datos actualizados cada 5 minutos. NodeMCU v3 ESP8266, BME280, DHT22 y BH1750 #Sanchinarro
Meranie: teplota, vlhkosť, tlak, svetlo www.arduinosite.com www.arduinoposlovensky.sk
Station de mesure température, pression, hygrométrie, luminosité et tension alimentation avec un esp8266 et des capteurs bh1750 + bme280
DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland. Current sensors: - humidity & temperature sensor: DHT22, - light intensity sensor: BH1750, - barometric pressure sensor: BMP085. Other equipment: - wireless network: ESP8266, - RTC: DS3231.
Weather Station / ESP32 DEVKIT V1 / Sensors: DHT22, BME280, BH1750, & A3144 / Chihuahua, Chihuahua. Mexico / Update Interval ~15 minues. The station is located on the exterior of my window. The wind speed sensor is being worked on.